Monday, 5 October 2009

Jim Carrey is rumoured to have had his mouth surgically enlarged.

The bicycle helmet was invented by Evil Kneevel.

It is considered to be a sexual crime to suck a lover’s toes in public in Turkey.

The galactic constellation called Omega 16 is considered to be the most likely place to find life in the universe as it so closely resembles the Milky Way.

Gilarto Francesco was the first Spaniard to set foot in the Amazon rainforest.

Biologists have calculated that the common hamster has the most efficient heart in the animal world.

Shush was the working title for the movie ET.

Umbrella’s with more than eight ‘ribs’ is properly known as a polybrella.

When a human is born with 2 functioning hearts it is called peppered cardiac syndrome.

Due to its southerly location and its time zone Dallas, Texas has the largest sky of any US city.

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