Sunday, 25 October 2009

In the UK Nestle are being forced to withdraw millions of Yorkie choclate bars after a 6 year legal battle over the "Not for Girls" logo and ad campaign.

In 1998 a German Health & Safety manual had to be withdrawn as the pages were giving readers severe paper cuts.

Crispy fried panda is a delicacy in China. That's why the panda is endangered - they taste so good.

Yellow cars cause more insect deaths per year than any other colour car. Insects are attracted to them mistaking them for large flowers.

Foot Spas are the 2nd commonsest cause of Deep Vein Thrombosis.

The fastest growing sector in publishing is DIY manuals - the credit crunch is believed to be responsible.

Fox is set to be the first television to replace news casters with "syn-thespians". Rising wage demands and the artificial look of many presenters are said to be behind the move. A spokesperson said "The American public won't be able to tell the difference".

Recycled toilet tissue is not made from recycled toilet tissue. The EU has demanded this matter be rectified.

14% of Americans would have voted for Colonel Sanders if he had been on the ballot for the last US Presidential elections.

1 in 3 acts of role play results in violence during training days.

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