Wednesday, 23 September 2009

John Travolta has been cast to play George Michael in the story of his life.

Metallica were going to be called Metal Licker, but the guy designing the first album sleeve misheard on the phone, and the rest is history

The Economic & Social Council of the United Nations has several times tabled a motion to introduce a 10 month year. The USA has continued to block the motion.

The European Union has completed the first stage of the “Descriptive Name Act”. The strangest effect will be that ‘Oranges’ will be renamed ‘Orange Fruit’ because ‘Orange’ has more than one meaning.

Finding broken glass is considered to be very good luck in India.

MENSA is considering the re-classification of Genius. Predictive statistics suggests that more than 50% of the population will be classed as genius by 2072.

There is a conspiracy theory that states that the Power Rangers TV show contains messages supporting President Clinton.

The US Navy has banned the film A Few Good Men from all its sites and vessels.

The forensic science of identifying car tire (tyre) treads is called vulcanoscopy.

During the 17th century the treatment for gout was to eat a raw rabbit’s heart.

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